Thursday, May 8, 2014

Daniel Joke efe -- hear today-- then dead--Body and soul - Matter and energy.


daniel joke efe former thermotron employee didn't have many friends-- but then-- he was the President of the liars forum=-  4 almost 30 years--

even the thieves at thermotron and the embezzlers-- did not give his death-- a second notice--

lucky for him that he came into the chamber industry-- on the up swing

when you look at his contemparies-- John TenBrink- mitch kerr- john dane-- dean tripp-- gregory V johnson- bill bench-- gary mole-in-a-bar -- thomas patterson and thomas bannach--

yes-- the standard is set- then you are DEAD

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Thermotron -- Elaine Johnson Who Do You Think You Are? by Pastor Mark Driscoll book trailer


thermotron -- you can be a liar thief and embezzler -- and feel good about yourself

yes as a Holland Michigan church going pervert-- you will fit in!!

embezzling is not stealing!!

Lying is not wrong -- because "you are a COMPANY man"

and besides -- they are all currupt

holland michigan church going perverts and Queers-- meat thomas bannach and thermotron

The Church is more than 'a university of religion,' Pope insists [CNA]

Vatican City, May 6, 2014 / 07:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his daily Mass Pope Francis recounted the death of St. Stephan, the Church’s first martyr, explaining that being a Christian means giving witness rather than remaining sterile within ourselves.

“You cannot understand a Christian without witness,” the Pope stated in his May 6 daily homily, adding that “we are not a university of religion, a 'religion' of ideas,” or “of pure theology, beautiful things, of commandments.”

“No, we are a people who follow Jesus Christ and bear witness - who want to bear witness to Jesus Christ - and sometimes this witness leads to laying down our lives.”

Addressing those gathered in the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse, the Roman Pontiff reflected on how St. Stephan, who’s stoning was recounted in the day’s first reading taken from the Acts of the Apostles, was killed in a manner similar to that of Jesus.

Like Jesus, Stephan also encountered “the jealousy of the leaders who were trying” to get rid of him, and had “false witnesses” and a “rushed judgment” when he warned the people that they were resisting the Holy Spirit, the pontiff noted.

“These people were uneasy, were not at peace in their hearts” but rather had “hatred” in their heart, he observed, explaining that “This hatred was sown in their hearts by the devil…this is the devil’s hatred of Christ.”

Highlighting how the “struggle between God and the devil” is clearly shown in the act of martyrdom, Pope Francis said that “to be persecuted, to be a martyr, to gives ones’ life for Jesus is one of the Beatitudes,” which is why “the devil cannot stand seeing the sanctity of a church or the sanctity of a person, without trying to do something.”

“Martyrdom is the translation of a Greek word that also means witness” he continued, “so we can say that for a Christian the path follows in the footsteps of this witness, Christ’s footsteps, to bear witness to Him and, many times, this witness ends up in laying down one’s life.”

“You cannot understand a Christian without witness. We are not a 'religion' of ideas, of pure theology, beautiful things…we are a people who follow Jesus Christ and bear witness.”

Recalling how “a severe persecution began against the Church in Jerusalem” after Stephan’s death, the pontiff observed that these people “felt strong and the devil provoked them to do this,” so the “Christians scattered to the regions of Judea and Samaria.”

Because of this persecution the people of God went “far and wide,” proclaiming the Gospel and giving testimony to Jesus wherever they went, the Bishop of Rome went on to say, noting that this is how the “mission of the Church” began.

“So many converted on hearing these people” he reflected, quoting one of the Fathers of the Church who said that “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians,” and that with “their witness, they preach the faith.”

“Witness, be it in everyday life, in difficulties, and even in persecution and death, always bears fruit. The Church is fruitful and a mother when she witnesses to Jesus Christ.”

However “when the Church closes in on itself, when it thinks of itself as a - so to speak - ‘school of religion,’ with so many great ideas, with many beautiful temples, with many fine museums, with many beautiful things, but does not give witness” the pontiff explained, “it becomes sterile.”

“The Christian is the same. The Christian who does not bear witness, is sterile, without giving the life he has received from Jesus Christ.”

Continuing, Pope Francis observed how “Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit” and that “we cannot bear witness without the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.”

“In difficult times, where we have to choose the right path, where we have to say ‘no’ to a lot of things that maybe try to seduce us, there is prayer to the Holy Spirit” he stated, “and He makes us strong enough to take this path of witness.”

Bringing his reflections to a close, the Pope encouraged those present to think “about these two icons - Stephen, who dies, and the people, the Christians, fleeing, scattering far and wide because of the violent persecution.”

“Let us ask: How is my witness? Am I a Christian who witnesses to Jesus or are a simple numerary in this sect? Am I fruitful because I bear witness, or sterile because (I am) unable to let the Holy Spirit lead me forward in my Christian vocation?”

Thermotron management training -- Truth Project-Elaine Johnson at THERMOTRON Contact Details ...



you can spend time with a thermotron liar and thief--

i was warned in 1971 that the holland michigan dutch and christian reformed were petty and vindictive

and Hil sybesma used those same "words" and phrase to describe the management style at thermotron,

Thomas patterson -- said --"well if you don't go long with what every they say " then they "attack" you..

He thought it was funny as he said-- Gee when john tenbrink and dave
durham were embezzling and defrauding their hours and time and bein
drunk on the job--

Elaine Johnson thermotron vp 30 years as a prevert ...
2 days ago - 4 days ago - Thermotron field service training (GED) required ... Current. Human Resource Manager at Thermotron Industries. Education.

Elaine Johnson at THERMOTRON Contact Details ...


30 years of protecting liars cheats thieves embezzlers-- VP management training
Elaine Johnson at THERMOTRON Contact Details - find the Job Title, Phone#, ... Job Title Vice President Of Human Resources; Phone (616) 392-1491; Email ..


Wiley and his gang of thieves -- attacked you-- as the remedy-- for that "UNWANTED information.

It is no doubt -- that Boeing and other companies -- would not hire john
Tenbrink-- because the only time he was working was when  Bob Wiley --
was on the job  site--

other wise --  for get it-- then John tenbrink would lie to him about the progress and his co workers